Students must do the following checklist items
(includes student responsibility, setting, and additional description)
Minimum No. of Times
Type of Patient / Aquifer Cases
Evaluate/help manage abdominal pain in the outpatient setting
Real, Simulated / Aquifer Case(s): AqFM 15, 19, 20
Evaluate/help manage abnormal vaginal bleeding in the outpatient setting (menorrhagia, menometrorrhagia, post-menopausal bleeding)
Real, Simulated / Aquifer Case(s): AqFM 17
Perform an adult health maintenance exam in the outpatient setting
Real, Simulated / Aquifer Case(s): AqFM 1, 2
Evaluate/help manage anxiety (GAD, panic disorder, OCD) in the outpatient setting
Real, Simulated / Aquifer Case(s): AqFM 9
Evaluate/help manage asthma (stable or in exacerbation) in the outpatient setting
Real, Simulated / Aquifer Case(s): AqFM 13, AqPeds 13
Evaluate/help manage back pain (acute or chronic) in the outpatient setting
Real, Simulated / Aquifer Case(s): AqFM 10
Evaluate/help manage chest pain (anginal or non-cardiac chest pain) in the outpatient setting
Real, Simulated / Aquifer Case(s): AqIM 02
Evaluate/help manage congestive heart failure (stable or in exacerbation) in the outpatient setting
Real, Simulated / Aquifer Case(s): AqFM 31
Evaluate/help manage COPD (stable or in exacerbation) in the outpatient setting
Real, Simulated / Aquifer Case(s): AqFM 28
Evaluate/help manage depression (new presentation or ongoing management)in the outpatient setting
Real, Simulated / Aquifer Case(s): AqFM 3
Evaluate/help manage diabetes mellitus (type 1, 2, or other) in the outpatient setting
Real, Simulated / Aquifer Case(s): AqFM 6
Evaluate/help manage fatigue (acute or chronic) in the outpatient setting
Real, Simulated / Aquifer Case(s): AqFM 26
Evaluate/help manage gastroesophageal reflux (new presentation or chronic management) in the outpatient setting
Real, Simulated / Aquifer Case(s): AqFM 19
Evaluate/help manage headache in the outpatient setting
Real, Simulated / Aquifer Case(s): AqFM 18
Evaluate/help manage hypertension (new diagnosis or chronic management) in the outpatient setting
Real, Simulated / Aquifer Case(s): AqFM 8
Evaluate/help manage knee pain in the outpatient setting
Real, Simulated / Aquifer Case(s): AqFM 11
Evaluate/help manage lipid management in the outpatient setting (calculation of ASCVD risk, consideration of statin therapy or diet therapy)
Real, Simulated / Aquifer Case(s): AqFM 2
Evaluate/help manage osteoporosis (diagnosis, screening or management) in the outpatient setting
Real, Simulated
Evaluate/help manage pharyngitis in the outpatient setting (consideration of Modified Centor Criteria)
Real, Simulated / Aquifer Case(s): AqFM 23
Evaluate/help manage pregnancy/prenatal care in the outpatient setting (diagnosing pregnancy, options counseling, prenatal care)
Real, Simulated / Aquifer Case(s): AqFM 12, 14, 30
Evaluate/help manage rash (e.g. contact dermatitis, eczema, drug rash) in the outpatient setting
Real, Simulated / Aquifer Case(s): AqFM 16
Treat (Perform) a patient for substance misuse in the outpatient setting (AA, QuitWorks, detox, Suboxone, nicotine replacement)
Real, Simulated
Screen (Perform) a patient for substance misuse in the outpatient setting (taking social history involving substance use, AUDIT-C, CAGE, SASQ)
Real, Simulated
Evaluate/help manage shoulder pain in the outpatient setting
Real, Simulated / Aquifer Case(s): AqFM 25
Evaluate/help manage skin cancer or precancerous lesion in the outpatient setting (skin biopsy of suspicious lesion, Aktinic Keratosis, etc.)
Real, Simulated / Aquifer Case(s): AqFM 16
Evaluate/help manage a sleep problem (insomnia, OSA, etc.) in the outpatient setting
Real, Simulated / Aquifer Case(s): AqFM 3
Evaluate/help manage smoking cessation counseling in the outpatient setting
(appropriate counseling for any stage of change; pharmacologic management)
Real, Simulated / Aquifer Case(s): AqFM 2
Evaluate/help manage thyroid disorder (hyper- or hypothyroid) in the outpatient setting
Real, Simulated / Aquifer Case(s): AqFM 5
Evaluate/help manage upper respiratory infection, not pharyngitis in the outpatient setting (common cold, flu, bronchitis, sinusitis, OM, etc.)
Real, Simulated / Aquifer Case(s): AqFM 33
Perform a well-child check in the outpatient setting
Real, Simulated / Aquifer Case(s): AqFM 23; AqPeds 2,3,4
Obtain/Perform a patient history observed by a preceptor or supervisor in the outpatient setting
(Preceptor or supervisor: fellow, attending, resident) |
1 |
Real |
Perform an examination observed by a preceptor or supervisor in the outpatient setting
(Preceptor or supervisor: fellow, attending, resident) |
1 |
Real |