Assessment & Evaluation
The Medical School Competencies constitute a competency-based curriculum that defines the knowledge, skills, and personal and professional values we expect of all of our graduates.
Assessment & Evaluation
The Medical School Competencies constitute a competency-based curriculum that defines the knowledge, skills, and personal and professional values we expect of all of our graduates.
How are students evaluated?
Students are evaluated by the Medical School Competencies using multiple methods of assessment, such as problem-based learning small-group participation, quizzes, exams (internal and national) in pre-clerkship and/or clerkship phases.
In Doctoring - and all of the core clerkships - performance-based methods of assessment are employed such as Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs). Students are also directly observed by attendings, residents, and nurses, interviewing patients or completing a physical examination in the clinical setting. Students’ oral skills are assessed by presenting the patient to a physician and producing write-ups of patient encounters in Doctoring and the core clerkships.
Medical School Competencies
*Site under construction as we reframe our assessment and evaluation system.