Summer after Year I: Students are involved in curriculum-development activities related to developing or revising first- or second-year pre-clerkship courses. Students may also be engaged in developing pre-clerkship electives or constructing self-learning modules related to the first-year or second-year curriculum.
Year II: Students participate in teaching and learning seminars on Wednesdays that address such varied topics as students’ learning & teaching styles, how to lead a small group, how to effectively use interactive technology while lecturing, and much more! In the second-year, students are expected to assume a leadership role in teaching and mentoring other pre-clerkship students. They often serve as coordinators and tutors in the Doctoring Teaching Academy, the Content Tutoring Program or a pre-clerkship elective they have created.
Years III & IV: After completing core clerkships, medical education concentrators are asked to serve as Teacher Assistants in the Clinical Skills Clerkship, the transition course preparing rising third-year students for the clerkship experience. As a Teaching Assistant, the medical education concentrator leads daily seminar sessions that further develop rising third-year students’ clinical skills and working knowledge about how to “survive” and succeed in the core clerkships. The Teaching Assistants also evaluate these students’ performance and their professionalism by administering and grading an end-of-the course OSCE.
Students may also undertake an independent study at the end of the third year or during the fourth year to prepare a final project. Medical Education Concentrators who are interested in teaching in pre-clerkship courses may also be able to work in the Doctoring course during the fall or spring semester.